I started lifting back in high school while I was on the varsity wrestling team and have not stopped since. I am 33 years old and have had the fortune of never having had a serious injury. The majority of my time at the gym was spent alone, with zero external validation or recognition. It was just what I did and wanted to do.
When COVID hit, I knew I could not stagnate with gyms and local businesses closing so I spent the money and built a home gym in my garage. Around this time, more people than ever were living their lives online. Socializing was impossible due to lockdowns and Twitter only allowed for spotty interactions.
I started a Discord community focused around the 2020 election that quickly filled up with people looking to make friends and interact on a level deeper than 140 characters. This led way to the forming of Gaintrust, a discord community following my programming. In a years time we have had over 100 members following the program and finding success.
The more I work with people on bettering their fizeeks, the more I want to learn. This SubSTACKED is where I’ll be documenting the knowledge I’ve accumulated over the 10+ years and continue to accumulate.